Contact:Richard Pieslak Cost:$20 Adult / $10 Child Phone Number:609-468-1487 Email:[email protected] Details:March for Life Bus Trip The St. Gregory the Great and St. Anthony of Padua, Councils of the Knights of Columbus are co-sponsoring a bus trip to Washington, D.C. for this year’s March for Life (52nd Anniversary) on Friday, January 24, 2025. The March for Life is a very special event and it will be an experience unlike any other. The bus will leave the St. Gregory the Great parking lot at 7:30 am and return by 9:00 pm on January 24th. The cost is only $20 per adult and $10 per child. If you are interested in reserving space or would like to know more about the trip, contact Rich Pieslak at 609-468-1487