Contact:Catholic Women of Zion Cost:$25.00 Phone Number:732-475-7113 Email:[email protected] Details:YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO A CWOZ RETREAT DAY FOR WOMEN. The day consists of Mass, Adoration, music, guest speaker, sharing, networking, Living Rosary prayers for healing, and a box lunch. Admission, payable at the door, includes lunch. Guest speaker, Ana Maria Garcia, is a Catholic lay evangelist. For nearly 30 years, she witnessed to the healing power of God’s love and mercy as a team member of Good News International, a lay ministry that carried the Gospel to parishes all over this country, as well as South America and Europe. Since then, she has continued to answer the Lord’s call with a resounding and joyous, YES! Ana María has spoken throughout New Jersey and New York at Retreats, Communion Breakfasts, Women’s Groups, Prayer Meetings, Workshops, and Life in the Spirit Seminars, in addition to Parish Missions conducted in English and Spanish. She has given witness at the Catholic Tent Revival of New Jersey, the New Jersey Catholic Charismatic Conference, and ecumenical organizations, and has also appeared on Religion and Ethics Newsweekly on PBS. She proclaims the gospel and witnesses to the healing power of God’s love and mercy. Ana María is the mother of three children, grandmother of eight, and a parishioner for over 30 years at the Church of St. Luke in Toms River, where she and her husband served as coordinators of the parish Evangelization Team, bible studies, and Renew 2000. She also served on the RCIA formation team and is currently a Lector and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Most recently, Ana María began Our Lady’s Power of Prayer Group at St. Luke in obedience to the May 25, 2024, request of Our Lady of Medjugorje, who asked: “Little children, create prayer groups in order to encourage each other to the good and grow in joy. Ana Maria invites us to join her as she shares: “Behold, I Make All Things New” Rev 21:5 Come and bring a friend! Reservations are necessary. Please select a Box Lunch from the selections listed on the website, Register for the February 8, 2025, retreat online athttps://www.cwoz.orgor call 732-475-7113 no later than Tuesday, February 4, 2025, to register. Leave your phone number, spell your last name, and indicate your box lunch selection.