Contact: Fr. John Butler
Cost: None
Phone Number:7322228080 Email:[email protected] Comments/Details: The Parish Mission title is "Work Out Your Salvation." Fr. Wade will preach the homily and introduce the mission topics and themes at all of our Saturday Vigil Masses and Sunday Masses during the December 11-12 weekend. The Monday-to-Wednesday schedule of this parish mission may be found at our parish website at and is also summarized in our parish bulletin available on the parish website. The mission will include Conferences, Mass, Confessions, and Eucharistic Adoration as well as Fathers of Mercy merchandise for purchase and Fr. Wade’s availability for book-signing. All are welcome! No admission charge. Free will offerings will be accepted each evening for the support of the work of the Fathers of Mercy. Please join us for this exciting and timely Advent Parish Mission and for the opportunities to experience in-person Fr. Wade’s unique and insightful conferences and to enhance your preparations for a holy and joyful Christmas
SUMMARY OF SCHEDULE OF PARISH MISSION: Saturday Vigil Masses, Dec. 11 and Sunday Masses, Dec. 12: • Fr. Wade will preach the homily and introduce the Parish Mission topics and themes at all of the Saturday Vigil Masses and Sunday Masses. He will be the concelebrant at the Saturday 4:00 p.m. Mass and the principal celebrant at the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass. Monday Evening, December 13: • 5:30 to 6:30……Confessions heard by Fr. Wade and parish priests. • 7:00…..…..Parish Mission Hour…..Fr. Wade’s Conference with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. The parish’s usual Monday evening 7:00 p.m. Mass is cancelled this night. This evening’s Conference Title is "Be Faithful to Your Daily Duty." • 8:00…..…..Greeting and Book-Signing, etc. • 8:30 (approximately)…….Confessions heard by Fr. Wade and parish priests. Tuesday Evening, December 14: • 5:30 to 6:30……Confessions heard by Fr. Wade and parish priests. • 7:00…..…..Parish Mission Hour…..Fr. Wade’s Conference with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. This evening’s Conference Title is "Be Other-Centered." • 8:00…..…..Greeting and Book-Signing, etc. • 8:30 (approximately)…….Confessions heard by Fr. Wade and parish priests. Wednesday Evening, December 15: • 5:30 to 6:30……Confessions heard by Fr. Wade and parish priests. • 7:00…..……Solemn Closing Holy Mass with an extended homily serving as the Final Conference. This evening’s Conference Title is "Understand the Reality of Vice and Virtue/Practice and Live the Sacraments." • 8:00………Hospitality and Fellowship in the Lower Church.